Sunday, March 20, 2011


What penance must I do...
to regain my innocence?
Is is too late?
An act of contrition,
doesn't seem enough.
Neither does saying a rosary.
I built this dilemna.
I crafted it with ill deeds...
wrongful intents,
calculated crimes,
against what is pure and good.
Now I seek absolution.
But, I know not how to pray.
My prayers seem dishonest.
But, I am happy for my shame.
Maybe this is my penance.
To carry the weight of sin,
like Marley's ghost.
And maybe will come a day,
when I feel the light,
enter into my darkness,
and I will see the truth.
And all will be forgiven.
This is my hope.
This is my prayer.


  1. Bravo Rich. Tender, honest, heartfelt. OMG, Rich! You finally made me want to cry. Beautiful.

  2. Thank god you didn't stay an alter boy...otherwise we would have no beautiful writing from you!

  3. Thank you both...You are so dear to me. I thank God for the likes of you...Rich
