Friday, January 6, 2012


It was leg workout day today. Beautiful day in Chicago. Sun is a shinin', the birds are a singin', and I am dreading my screaming quads!...I start out by warming up...20 minutes of climbling 10 degrees and 1 mph on the incline treadmill...a walk backwards for the hamstrings, and do side-by-sides, to loosen everything up...this gets the heart rate up, and lubricates the joints for what's coming next...I do 20 reps. at 240 on the quad press machine...I make sure my feet are high on the plate with my toes flared out slightly so I don't put undue pressure on my knees...My 2nd set is 20 reps at 260...I rest a minute then do a killer 20 reps at 240...I stand up gingerly and walk around the gym for a couple of minutes...

Now on to the calf machine, where i hang my feet off a block, put my shoulders under a padded lifting device...and push 120 lbs...stretching my calves and standing on my tippy toes...i do this slowly and hold the contraction...I do 3 sets of 20...

Off the leg extensions for the hamstrings, and some squats, and deadlifts...whew!...I also worked my core and shoulders today, but it makes me tired just to think about what I did with these bombing exercises. I don't want to overload you!...

I have to dance with my wife tonight. I am afraid...very afraid...more tomorrow!

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