Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Started out the morning with 40 grams of whey protein and a scoop of glutamine in 16 ounces of fat free milk...had 2 cups of black coffee...post workout at gym had 2 capsules of branced amino's a Met RX power bar, and regenerative glucosomine/chondroitin drink...Lunch was a 12 ounce steak with ceaser salad, baked sweet potato, 2 branched amino capsules, iron tablet, multi-vitamin, baby aspirin, and 16 ounces of water...Home to nap for an hour. Upon waking drink another teaspon of glutamine in 16 ounces of propel vitamin water...3 p.m. had Met RX replacement meal bar, half a cup of almonds, a pear, 2 bananas and 2 branced amino capsules with 16 ounces of water. At 8 p.m. tonight will have 2 cups of cottage cheese and water packed peaches, and before bed will take fat burning, non-thermogenic grean tea supplement. Diet is a lot of work...Must eat to grow!...forgot the steamed asparagus, peanut butter on multi-grain bread...whew!

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