Wednesday, April 28, 2010


she left me here...
walked out the door...
she said few words...
nothing more.
i sat and peered...
at the clock.
i went about my business...
i was not in shock.
i told myself she would come back...
her company, i would not lack.
she had nowhere to go...
there was no denyin'...
i sat and waited...
i started cryin'...
the time went on,
i did not swoon.
i hoped that soon,
she'd enter my room.
i woke next morning...
no note was left.
her clothes were gone...
i had regrets.
she left me here,
and now i know...
she'd never come back...
i'd accept the blow.
for life goes on...
this is my fate.
she left me here...
i was too late.